希爾頓(布宜諾斯艾利斯)“芭比”客房 Barbie Room at the Hilton Hotel in Buenos Aires
泰國塔蕾卡倫海灘度假村水下客房 Room Underwater Talay Karon Beach Resort in Thailand
奧蘭多尼克酒店“海綿寶寶”主題客房 Room SpongeBob Nickelodeon Hotel in Orlando
普吉島假日酒店“海盜”主題客房 Pirate Room at the Hotel Holiday Inn – Phuket
美利亞酒店“摩登原始人”主題客房 Flintstones Room at the Melia Hotel
高雄漢來大飯店“Hello Kitty”主題客房 Hello Kitty Room in the Grand Hi-Lai Hotel – Kaohsiung, Taiwan
倫敦格魯吉亞莊園酒店“哈利波特”主題客房 Harry Potter Room at The Georgian House in London