Everyone in the growth process, will encounter this or that difficulties and setbacks. I think, how to deal with these difficulties and setbacks is essential. Faced with these difficulties, we should look at what it is what kind of action to overcome it and defeat it.
In the face of difficulties, there are two situations: one is a strong determination, indomitable spirit and courage to face and overcome it; the other is scared in face of difficulties, and the courage to face and overcome it. I have also encountered some difficulties and frustration.
Primary school graduation, my mother put me to the Han school. At the time, do not know what my mother would like, the day before school in the Pro and suddenly I transfer the. I'm even a little psychological preparation are not, unwittingly to a new, unfamiliar classes. Because I was Korean, not speak Chinese, the idea is not clear, word is always topsy-turvy, and people can not understand. I am very distressed. Would not speak, do not understand class and the results will slowly decline, relationships are a success. I am very sad, very blame my mother, why would I transfer it? So, I told my mother cry to: "Mom, I Can return to the school towards the family? In the Han school, I really can not stand." Mom shook her head, and I cried and cried, begged my mother for the answer. But it is futile. Mom is a serious [de] said to me: "Now that has already begun, to study hard. Only because of difficulties encountered little unfinished, I can not do!" After listening to my mother, I have nothing to say.
Then gradually I adapted to the learning environment in the Han school, the teachers care and the help of students, I bravely overcome difficulties and achieved certain results.
In the face of difficulties, my brave face it and overcome it. After elimination of the joy of the difficulties that I very happy.
Thank you!
「標(biāo)簽: 一分鐘英語演講稿」